
Elena I am sure we can all agree that the topic is Italian food. That was very easy! Sofia: Well, I don't think so. I believe they were deciding on what to eat on their date. Elena Exactly! So it is about Italian dishes. Arturo Let's go back to Activity 1 and check what we discussed Sofia See? They were asking each other questions until they found something they both liked Elena: Oh, you're right! The topic is not Italian food, but reaching an agreement about what they were going to have for dinner. Sofia Yes! What do you think, Arturo? Arturo: I agree with both of you. traduce lo siguiente a español ​

Elena I Am Sure We Can All Agree That The Topic Is Italian Food That Was Very Easy Sofia Well I Dont Think So I Believe They Were Deciding On What To Eat On The class=

Respuesta :

Elena Estoy seguro de que todos podemos estar de acuerdo en que el tema es la comida italiana. ¡Eso fue muy fácil! Sofía: Bueno, no lo creo. Creo que estaban decidiendo qué comer en su cita. Elena Exactamente! Así que se trata de platos italianos. Arturo Volvamos a la Actividad 1 y revisemos lo que discutimos Sofía ¿Ves? Estuvieron haciéndose preguntas hasta que encontraron algo que les gustó a ambos Elena: ¡Oh, tienes razón! El tema no es comida italiana, sino llegar a un acuerdo sobre lo que iban a cenar. Sofía ¡Sí! ¿Qué opinas, Arturo? Arturo: Estoy de acuerdo con los dos.