
el caballo sin cabeza en inglés ​

Respuesta :


It is said that in a town very isolated from all civilization, the story of a rider who used to make his journey at night on a very beautiful horse was told. People very surprised wondered what a strange man, why does he do that? since it was not very usual for someone to go out and less at night, to make those tours.

In a very dark night and with strong lightning he disappeared from the place, without giving signs of his disappearance. Years passed and people had already forgotten about that person, and it was on a night just like the one he disappeared, that the cavalcade of that horse was heard again. Out of curiosity, many people looked out and saw a horseman riding through the streets, it was when lightning struck and illuminated the horseman and what they saw was that the horseman had no head. The horrified people went into their houses and they couldn't explain what they had seen...
