
me pueden decir 20 oraciones con should​

Respuesta :


We should speak now.

You should speak to your friends about the trip.

Peter should see a doctor.

You should focus more on learning English.

You should visit beautiful places in Guatemala.

I think you should buy a new car.

I really should be in the church before 9.

We shouldn´t be talking about this

You shouldn´t do that

You should go to the doctor

He should know it

Mary should get some more sleep

Adam should go out more often

Should we stay or should we go?

We should go to the gym

She should go on vacation

He should apologize for what he did

We should follow the rules

She should wait until tomorrow

He should arrive early to his work


El verbo modal “should” en español se traduce como debería y se utiliza para:

Aconsejar: You should go to the doctor

You should go to the doctorRecomendar: You should do more exercises

You should do more exercisesExpresar obligación: You should teach your kids English

You should teach your kids EnglishExpresar expectativas: You should find this guidebook helpful.