Los comparativos se utilizan para demostrar las diferencia o similitudes entre dos objetos, los superlativos demuestran la máxima o menor cualidad de un objeto.
I. Are the sentences TRUE or FALSE? Write the correct answer.
1. To compare two things, we add -er to many adjectives.
2. We add -est to make the superlative form of many adjectives.
3. We never change the spelling of the adjective before adding -er / -est.
- False. En algunas ocaciones se debe cambiar alguna letra de la palabra para agregar el sufijo -er / -est. Ejemplo: Pretty - Prettier.
4. We often use “than” after a comparative.
5. We often use “the” before a superlative.
6. With longer adjectives, we use “more” + adjective or “most” + adjective.
7. There are a lot of irregular comparatives and superlatives.
- False. Hay algunos comparativos y superlativos irregulares, pero no son muchos. Ejemplo Good - Better - Best.
II. Complete the sentences using the comparative or superlative.
- The clothes here are better than in my town.
- That's my worst mark ever.
- It's farther than I thought, I think we're lost.
- That's the most disgusting meal I've ever had.
- I hope your team's luckier today than last week.
- They're happier in their new school than in their old one.
- It's the best song in the album.
- Your spaghetti sauce is tastier than my mum's.
III. Circle the correct sentence.
b. The most amazing thing just happened to me.
- Adjetivo (er) + than
- more + adjetivo + than
Si el adjetivo es de una sĂlaba se le agrega el sufijo "er" en cambio si es de dos o más sĂlabas se coloca la palabra "more" antes del adjetivo.
- The + Adjetivo (est)
- The most + adjetivo
Al igual que en los comparativos si el adjetivo es de una silaba se le agrega el sufijo "est" en cambio si es de dos o más silabas se coloca la palabra "the most" antes del adjetivo.
Puedes ver más comparativos y superlativos aquà brainly.lat/tarea/4808623