
“Comparatives and Superlatives”

Are the sentences TRUE or FALSE? Write the correct answer.

1) To compare two things, we add -er to many adjectives. ______________

2) We add -est to make the superlative form of many adjectives. ______________

3) We never change the spelling of the adjective before adding -er / -est.

4) We often use “than” after a comparative.

5) We often use “the” before a superlative.

6) With longer adjectives, we use “more” + adjective or “most” +

7) There are a lot of irregular comparatives and superlatives.

Comparatives And Superlatives Are The Sentences TRUE Or FALSE Write The Correct Answer 1 To Compare Two Things We Add Er To Many Adjectives 2 We Add Est To Make class=

Respuesta :

Los comparativos se utilizan para demostrar las diferencia o similitudes entre dos objetos, los superlativos demuestran la máxima o menor cualidad de un objeto.

I. Are the sentences TRUE or FALSE? Write the correct answer.

1. To compare two things, we add -er to many adjectives.

  • True.

2. We add -est to make the superlative form of many adjectives.

  • True

3. We never change the spelling of the adjective before adding -er / -est.

  • False. En algunas ocaciones se debe cambiar alguna letra de la palabra para agregar el sufijo -er / -est. Ejemplo: Pretty - Prettier.

4. We often use “than” after a comparative.

  • True.

5. We often use “the” before a superlative.

  • True.

6. With longer adjectives, we use “more” + adjective or “most” + adjective.

  • True.

7. There are a lot of irregular comparatives and superlatives.

  • False. Hay algunos comparativos y superlativos irregulares, pero no son muchos. Ejemplo Good - Better - Best.

II. Complete the sentences using the comparative or superlative.

  1. The clothes here are better than in my town.
  2. That's my worst mark ever.
  3. It's farther than I thought, I think we're lost.
  4. That's the most disgusting meal I've ever had.
  5. I hope your team's luckier today than last week.
  6. They're happier in their new school than in their old one.
  7. It's the best song in the album.
  8. Your spaghetti sauce is tastier than my mum's.

III. Circle the correct sentence.

b. The most amazing thing just happened to me.


  • Adjetivo (er) + than
  • more + adjetivo + than

Si el adjetivo es de una sílaba se le agrega el sufijo "er" en cambio si es de dos o más sílabas se coloca la palabra "more" antes del adjetivo.


  • The + Adjetivo (est)
  • The most + adjetivo

Al igual que en los comparativos si el adjetivo es de una silaba se le agrega el sufijo "est" en cambio si es de dos o más silabas se coloca la palabra "the most" antes del adjetivo.

Puedes ver más comparativos y superlativos aquí brainly.lat/tarea/4808623

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