JESSGODIN JESSGODIN Inglés contestada AYUDA ES PARA HOYFIND the verbs in the reading and classify what time they are.Psychologists have developed a personality test that has been taken by millions of people all over the world. Fromthese results, they can observe general tendencies by country. However, these most often do not coincide with thestereotypes that most people have of these countries. One study of this type was done in 2005 and it involved university students from 51 different cultures around theworld. Some patterns emerged in the data. For example, people from Brazil tended to be the most extroverted.The least extroverted were the Nigerians, Moroccans, and Indonesians. Another similar study was conducted in 2007 with 17,000 participants from 56 countries. The highest level ofneuroticism was found in Japan and Argentina, while the lowest was in the Congo and Slovenia. At the same time,the Congo and Jordan ranked high on agreeableness, while Japan and Lithuania ranked the lowest. What might explain these differences in personalities across countries? Some researchers say that it may be dueto migration patterns. For example, people who tend to be risk-takers might be more likely to move to a differentcountry. What is important to take away from these studies, and others that have been done similar to them, is thatthe findings most often do not reflect the stereotypes we may have of people from these places. Therefore, it isalways necessary to keep an open mind about people from other parts of the world.