
Affirmative form
Completa los siguientes enunciados usando la estructura del presente progresivo en su forma afirmativa, utiliza el auxiliar correcto acorde al sujeto y el verbo entre paréntesis siguiendo las reglas de la terminación "ing".
Zed and Tyler _____ _____ (do) a great job during the semester. *
Have done
Sandra _____ _____ (sing) at the karaoke with her friends. *
My parents _____ _____ to Bangkok right now. *
Donovan _____ _____ (study) Greek for tomorrow's evaluation. *
Kennan _____ _____ (plan) his birthday party. *
Negative form
Completa los siguientes enunciados usando la estructura del presente progresivo en su forma negativa, utiliza el auxiliar correcto acorde al sujeto y el verbo entre paréntesis siguiendo las reglas de la terminación "ing".
Clayton _____ _____ (learn) Korean, he's studying Arabic. *
Vidia _____ _____ (buying) pizza. She's watching a movie. *
Jackson and Mason _____ _____ (practice) karate, but taekwondo. *
Larry _____ _____ (lie) on the bed, he's walking the dog. *
Carter and Jaiden _____ _____ (run) in the park, they're playing videogames. *
Yes / No questions
Las siguientes preguntas están en desorden. Reescribe cada una de ellas acorde a la estructura del presente progresivo en su forma interrogativa para preguntas cortas (yes / no questions).
job / ? / a / I / doing / Am / good *
Silvanna / sleeping / ? / Is / her / in / room *
cleaning / Are / the / they / house / ? *
the / Are / coming / friends / party / ? / your / to *
? / out / Caelan / Is / working / now / right *

Respuesta :

El presente continuo se usa para hablar de algo que esta ocurriendo en el momento o algo temporal, se forma usando el verbo to be seguido del verbo+ing.

Affirmative form.

Zed and Tyler are doing a great job during the semester.  

Sandra is singing at the karaoke with her friends.  

My parents are going to Bangkok right now.  

Donovan is studying Greek for tomorrow's evaluation.  

Kennan is planning his birthday party.

Negative form.

Clayton is't learning Korean, he's studying Arabic.  

Vidia isn't buying pizza. She's watching a movie.  

Jackson and Mason aren't practicing karate, but taekwondo.  

Larry isn't lying on the bed, he's walking the dog.  

Carter and Jaiden aren't running in the park, they're playing videogames.

Yes / No questions.

ob / ? / a / I / doing / Am / good *

  • Am I doing a good job?
  • Yes, you are doing a good job.

Silvanna / sleeping / ? / Is / her / in / room

  • Is Silvanna sleeping in her room?
  • No, she's staying at a friend's house

cleaning / Are / the / they / house / ? *

  • Are they cleaning the house?
  • No, they aren't cleaning the house.

the / Are / coming / friends / party / ? / your / to *

  • Are your friends coming to the party?
  • Yes, they are coming.

? / out / Caelan / Is / working / now / right *

  • Is Caelan working out right now?
  • Yes, he's working out.