Respuesta :
1. A. Have you SEEN the letter from the Lexon Company?
B. Yes, I SAW it on your desk.
2. A. Have you EATEN lunch yet?
B. Yes. I ATE a few minutes ago.
3. A. Has the bookkeeper GONE to the bank yet?
B. Yes, she HAS. She WENT there this morning.
4. A. Have you SPOKEN to the boss about your vacation?
B. Yes, I HAVE. I SPOKE to her about it yesterday.
5. A. Have you MADE plans for my trip to Chicago yet?
B. Yes. I MADE them yesterday.
6.A. Has anybody READ today's New York Times?
B. Yes. I READ it on my way to work.
7. A. Has the office clerk TAKEN the mail to the post office yet?
B. No, he HASN'T. He TOOK it to the mail room. But HE HASN'T TAKEN it to the post office yet.
8. A. Has John FINISHED his work?
B. Yes, he HAS. He's already GOING home.