
Elija la opción correcta para cada frase usando WILL o GOING TO para el futuro.
Subraya la respuesta correcta.

1.- I’m tired of the way the garage always charges me so much for repairs. Next time_______ somewhere cheaper. a) I’m going to look for b) I’m looking for

• 2.- A: Shall we cook or go out to eat tonight? B: Let’s get takeaway.______ the number of the pizza place. a) I’ll look for b)I’m looking for •

3.- What ______ when you finish university? a) are you going to do b) are you doing • 4.- Waitress: and what would you like to drink? Customer:______ an orange juice, please. a) I’ll have b) I’m going to have II.

Correct the mistake with future forms. (Use Will+ Verb in base form.)

• 1.- That looks heavy. I help you. That looks heavy. I will/ I’ll help you.

• 2.- He’s playing really badly. There’s no way he’s winning this match. He’s playing really badly. There’s no way __________________________ this match. •

3.- Let’s no go to that beach. I think it’s too full of tourists today.Let’s no go to that beach. I_______________________________too full of tourists today.

• 4.- Ask her! I’m sure she isn’t minding.

Ask her! I’m sure she_______________________________.