
Do your parents ever talk to you about 9/11? That is a date in history. On September 11, 2001, two planes hit the World Trade Center towers. These towers were in New York City. Another plane crashed in Washington, D.C. A third plane crashed in Pennsylvania. Many people died that day. These crashes were not accidents. They were done on purpose.
People who did not like the United States caused the crashes. Even now, people still feel sad about what happened that day.
Each year, on September 11th, people do different things to show how they remember. One boy makes red, white, and blue key chains. He sells them to raise money for firefighters from 9/11. A girl writes to the police and firefighters. She thanks them for saving lives. Another boy says he hugs his mom and dad extra hard and says, “I love you.” One woman decided to make quilts dedicated to each person who died. September 11th was a very sad day. Many lives were lost. People who remember the victims want to keep their memories strong. There is a saying you might hear sometimes when people talk about 9/11. They say, “We will never forget.”
1. In this story, what is 9/11?
a. a fraction b. the final score of a soccer game
c. the height of a basketball player d. a date in history

2. Where did two of the planes crash on 9/11?
a. San Francisco b. New York City c. Los Angeles d. Florida

3. What do you think would be a word people use to describe September 11th?
a. peaceful b. happy c. sad d. excited