
Resuelve la siguiente actividad

Resuelve La Siguiente Actividad class=

Respuesta :


la primera dont do

la segunda dont watch

La tercera dont play

la cuarta dont do

la quinta dont sleep

la sexta dont have



A. My brothers (NOT + DO) their homework.

My brothers aren't doing their homework.

B. We (NOT + WATCH) the news.

We aren't watching the news.

C. You (NOT + DO) your best.

You aren't doing your best.

D. The children (NOT + PLAY) football now.

The children aren't playing football now.

E. Dad (NOT + SLEEP) too much lately.

Dad isn't sleeping too much lately.

F. The team (NOT + HAVE) a good time.

The team isn't having a good time.


Pata completar oraciones en forma negativa del Presente Continuo, aplicamos el Verbo 'To Be' en forma negativa (am not, is not, are not o en forma corta) dependa del Sujeto que este, y por último añadiendo el gerundio ING al final del verbo.


• Vicky and I aren't running in the park. (= Vicky y y no estamos corriendo en el parque.)

---> Vicky and I (Vicky y yo) = We (Nosotros, nosotras) → El pronombre 'we' va con el verbo 'to be' are y su forma negativa es are not o en forma corta aren't

• Alex isn't sleeping now. (Alex no está dormiendo ahora.)

---> Alex = He (Él) → El pronombre 'he' va con el verbo 'to be' is y su forma negativa es is not o en forma corta isn't