1. Corrección de los palabras subrayadas en azul, coloca la respuesta en el orden preciso.
The Hottest
The Strongest
The Quickest
The most serious
The most dangerous
The hardest
The youngest
2. Ubícalos, te doy la respuesta
- Is warmer than
- Is the hottest month
- Is colder than
- Is the oldest
- is more expensive than
- is the easiest
- is the most boring
- is longer than
- is the longest
- the most beautiful
- are the best
- is cheaper than
- is taller than
- is the tallest
- younger than
- is the more beautiful
Para la construcción de oraciones comparativas.
Adjetivo corto+er+than
Por ejemplo:
Brad is Tall(er) than Camila
*Te recomiendo darle repaso a las reglas para ambos*
Este es para adjetivos por ejemplo expensive
More+ adjetivo+ than
My mobile is More expensive than yours
The+adjetivo corto+ est
Por ejemplo: August is the hottest month of the year
Para adjetivos largos por ejemplo beautiful
The+ most+ adjetivo largo
The most beautiful place is París.
Si te ayude, espero corona. ✌