
Me ayudan en estas oraciones porfa? Solo respondan las personas que sí saben inglés y no usan traductor de Google
In-on-at, tienen que completar las oraciones con una de esas según el contexto

1. She was sitting____ the table waiting for her husband to arrive

2. He is ________ the plane to Japan

3. There are many stars ________ the sky tonight

4. I have a meeting at 7 p.m. tomorrow ________ Los Angeles.

5.  Do you know where the keys are? Yes, they are ________ your pockets.

6. Where did you read about the accidente? I read it ________ the newspaper.

7. You can put the poster _____ the door if you like!

8. My mother lives _______ the second floor.

9. Where is she staying at the moment? ________ Germany.

10. What's _______ TV tonight?

Ayúdenme porfaaa, no respondan estupideces sino los reporto​, ustedes me ayudan con mi tarea y yo con las suyas