
1. Replace the underline word with a Personal Pronoun.
a. Joe is my father.
He is my father.
b. Miss Baker is my teacher.
c. Who are Peter and Angel?
d. You and I are go to the same school.
e. The cat is behind the chair.

2. Complete the sentences with the right form of the verb To be.
a. How are you?
b. She ........ my mother, she´s my aunt.
c. Who ..... your best friend?
d. Is it an orange tree? Yes, it .......
e. ......... they Tim´s new trainers?

3. Present Continuous: Correct the sentences
a. He are teaching Italian.
He is teaching Italian.
b. Paul is repair a car.
c. Keyla is works in a supermarket.
d. Nurses and Doctors is looking after patients.
e. We serving our customers.
4. Present Simple: Read the article about Amy


b. Complete the sentences about Amy using the verbs from the box below.

5. Adverbs of frequency: put the words in the correct order to make sentences
a. never- for- Amy- late- is - school
Amy is never late for school.
b. always-Peter- after- school- watches- videos
c. am- sometimes- at - school- hungry- I
d. bored - often- you- in - How- are- class ?
e. from - ususally- home- She- school- walks.