
1) Read the verb in present for each alternative and then choose the correct past tense for each one of them. LEA CADA UNO DE LOS VERBOS DE COLOR AMARILLO QUE ESTÁN EN PRESENTE Y MARQUE CON UNA X EL PASADO SIMPLE PARA UNO DE ELLOS. WALK A. WOLK B. WALKED C. WALKING WORK A. WORKED B. WORKEN D. WORKING CLOSE A. CLOSEN B.CLOSING C.CLOSED PLAY A.PLAYEN B. PLAYING C. PLAYED 2) Read the verb in present for each alternative and then choose the correct past tense for each one of them. LEA CADA UNO DE LOS VERBOS DE COLOR AMARILLO QUE ESTAN EN PRESENTE Y MARQUE CON UNA X EL PASADO SIMPLE PARA UNO DE ELLOS.​