
Task 6. Join the lines in A and С about Ben Way with a linking word from B

The multi-millionaire Ben Way

Ben Way is 35 years old

until he runs a company called ‘Rainmakers’.
Ben's a computer millionaire
he wasn't always so successful.
As a child, he was dyslexic
he didn't do well at school.
He didn't learn to read or write he was 9 and his father gave him a computer.
He wrote his first software program
he was 11.
He didn't go to university
at 15 he started his own company.
He first became a millionaire
he was just 17.
He continued to be very successful
he was 21.
He won a business award in 2000.
then in 2001 he lost it all.
One year later he started ‘Rainmakers’
now he's a millionaire again.

e.g. Ben Way is 35 years old and he runs a company called ‘Rainmakers’.

Task 7. Write some notes about someone you know who is successful. Talk to your partner about him or her.
• What's his /her name? -
• How old is he/she? -
• What does he/she do? -
• How do you know him / her? -
• Was he/she clever at school? -
• How did he/she become successful? -
• Did he/she have any ups and downs? -
• When and where do you see him/her? -

Task 8. Write about a successful person that you know. Use your notes. Write 8-10 sentences.

Task 9. Complete the text about Gabriella with linking words from the box
because so and However but when until

My successful cousin Gabriella
My cousin Gabriella is only 24 years old (1) she's already a very successful dress designer. Gabrielle and I played a lot together (2) we were children (3) we are the same age. We also went to the same school (4) we were 18 years old. (5), after school we didn't see each other very often. Gabriella was always very artistic (6) she went to a fashion school in London. I went to Oxford University and studied law (7) I wanted to be a lawyer. 4 years later, I'm still a poor student, (8) my cousin Gabriella is rich and famous. She won a major fashion award (9) she was just 22. Our family is very proud of her. Gabriella and I now have very different lives (10) we don't meet very often. (11), we still stay in touch by email and texting. She's in Milan this week for a fashion show. I love hearing about her life (12) it is very exciting.