
La tarea de hoy es escribir 7 oraciones utilizando el SIMPLE PRESENT solo en forma afirmativa con cada uno de los SUBJECT PRONOUNS

los subject pronouns son los siguientes:

1. I
2. WE
3. YOU
5. HE
6. SHE
7. IT

Respuesta :


1. I

- I live in Lima with my sister.

- I clean my home.

- I do my bed.

- I travel in airplane.

- I get up at 6 am.

2. WE

- We work in the supermarket.

- We want to you.

- We miss mom.

- We need to do our tasks.

3. YOU

You need to bathe.


They spend an email to their friend.

5. HE

- He buys a tree

He studies at ICPNA.

6. SHE

She visits Puno every four years.

7. IT

It (the car) goes to the car wash.