
PRACTISE-EXERCISE 2 LISTENING COMPREHENSION listen to an interview with maya penn and select the answer. you will hear the conversation twice...
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PRACTISEEXERCISE 2 LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen To An Interview With Maya Penn And Select The Answer You Will Hear The Conversation Twice Porfa Ayuden class=

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LISTENING COMPREHENSION. We listen to an interview with Maya Penn and select the correct answer:

  1. From? a) The US.
  2. How old? b) 20
  3. I use plastic-free shampoo. a) Yes
  4. I ride my bike as my transportation. a) Yes
  5. I wear recycled clothing. a) Yes
  6. I use recycled water for the plants. a) Yes

Now, complete or select the answer about you:

  1. From? Huancavelica.
  2. How old? 18 years old.
  3. I use plastic-free shampoo. a) Yes
  4. I ride my bike as my transportation. b) No
  5. I wear recycled clothing.  a) Yes
  6. I use recycled water for the plants.  b) No

Acciones para conservar el ambiente.

  • Disminuir el consumo de plásticos de un solo uso.
  • Utilizar la bicicleta, patines o simplemente caminar para movilizarnos de un lugar a otro.
  • Clasificar nuestros desechos sólidos en atención a las 5R de la conservación medioambiental.
  • Reemplazar los bobillos incandescentes por los ahorradores.
  • Consumir alimentos procedentes de cultivos orgánicos para incentivar esta práctica agrícola.

➡️  Conoce más sobre la preservación ambiental aquí: https://brainly.lat/tarea/14145077

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