
Me pueden dar 15 ejemplos del presente continuo

Respuesta :


1. I am writing a poem now.

(Estoy escribiendo un poema ahora

2. She is leaving tomorrow morning.


(Ella se va mañana por la mañana)


3. We are building a house.


(Estamos construyendo una casa)

4. Paul and Jennifer are studying French at university.


(Paul y Jennifer están estudiando Francés en la universidad)


5. Peter is leaving outside.


(Peter está saliendo fuera)


6. Tom is teaching English at that high school.


(Tom enseña inglés en ese instituto)


7. You are making a great effort.


(Tu estás haciendo un gran esfuerzo)


8. They are telling Mary what happened yesterday.

(Ellos le están contando a Mary lo que ocurrió ayer)


9. I am watching TV right now.

(Estoy viendo la televisión ahora mismo)


10. She is playing volleyball this afternoon.

(Ella juega a voleibol esta tarde)

11. They are speaking Italian.


(Ellos están hablando italiano)

12. It is snowing right now!


(Está nevando ahora mismo)

13. She is crying because she is angry.


(Ella está llorando porque está enfadada)

14. The temperature is rising.


(La temperatura está subiendo)

15. They are winning the match.


(Ellos están ganando el partido)





I'm eating pizza with my friend.

She's is driving her car

I'm teaching mathematics to my classmates.

Peter and Carolina are studing together.

They are talking quietly in the room.

She's singing badly and people are leaving the concert.

He's running quickly in the marathon.

Katherine and Alberto are dancing very well.

He's carrying the plates carefully.

I'm buying cheap clothes at the supermarket.

I will not go to the beach because It's raining.

I'm trying to cook a meal for six people.

I'm paying now with credit card.

I am climbing a mountain.

She is cooking ceviche for her family.