Respuesta :
What do we use uncountable nouns for?
The uncountable nouns in English (also called mass nouns) are used to name everything that cannot be counted, such as liquids (water, oil), abstract ideas
La pregunta es sobre sustantivos incontables
Para que usaos los verbos incontables?
Que clase de verbos usamamos para sustantivos incontable?
1 Usamos los sustantivos incontables para referirnos a cosas que no podemos contar como el pelo,dinero,azucar,agua.
We use uncountable nouns to refer to things we cannot count such as hair, money, sugar, water.
2 Para referirnos a sustantivos incontables usamos el singular del verbo
como (is,buy,need)
Water is very important
I am going to buy some fish
I need some sugar.
To refer to uncountable nouns we use the singular form of the verb
as (is,buy,need)
Water is very important
I am going to buy some fish
I need some sugar.