
escribe la forma superlativa de los adjetivos en paréntesis y conoce un poco más sobre los recordos guinnes​

Respuesta :

Write the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets and learn a little more about Guiness Records :

a- The longues ( long ) sandwich measured 735 meters ( 2.411 feet inches ) and was made on May 22, 2021 .

b- The smaller ( small ) dog in terms of length was a female chihuahua that measured 15.2 centi meters ( 6 inches ) fom nose to tip of the tail.

c- Mount Everest is de higher ( high ) mountaim in the world. lt's 8.848 meters ( 29.028 feet ) high .b

Espero te ayude :)

Dale like y coronita

@Cristhy_noah_ ig