
Ayuda por favor es urgente daré coronita

6. trabajar la siguiente oración siguiendo los pasos que se indica

he is drinking coffe with milk rigth now
1. Convertir a pregunta
2. Convertir a simple present
3 . Traducir al español
4. Responder la pregunta de las formas,
Other actions

2. convertir las siguientes oraciones a simple present
Present progresive
You are dancing merengue rigth now
She is drinking coffe rigth now
I am sleeping in the bed rigth now
He is cleaning the house
We are cooking pizza

Respuesta :


1- Is he drinking coffe with milk right now?

2- He drinks coffee witn milk everyday.

3- Él está tomando café con leche en este preciso momento.

4- Yes, he is.

    No, he is not.

   (No entendí lo the Other actions)


You dance merengue every week.

She drinks coffee every morning.

I sleep in the bed every night.

He cleans the house everyday..

We cook pizza every week end.