Respuesta :
1. Daniel didn't play in the park.
2. She didn't live with her parents.
3. Bod didn't marry Kate in 2007.
4. I didn't eat a sandwich.
5. She didn't ride her bicycle.
1. Did you see Jane?
2. What time did Paul arrive?
3. Did Jhon make lunch?
4. Did the girl have breakfast?
La estructura Negativa del Pasado Simple se construye de la siguiente manera:
Sujeto + Didn't + Verbo en forma base + Complemento.
La estructura de las Yes - no questions en Pasado Simple.
Did + Sujeto + Verbo en forma base + Complemento?
La estructura de las Wh questions en Pasado Simple.
Wh + did + sujeto + Verbo en forma base + Complemento?