
TEXT:Jonathan is a famous baker. He's hard-working and punctual. He always gets up at three o'clock every night and bakes his products. Then he has his breakfast with his wife and opens his bakery. He usually has his favourite pear marmalade for breakfast. He has many customers until afternoon. At noon, he has lunch at home. After lunch, he leaves the bakery to his son and sleeps about two hours. He returns to the shop and chats with his favourite customers. He’s been the only baker in the town for quite a long time, and now he has many friends who shop at his bakery. It’s been the same routine for almost 25 years. Today his daily routine is not the same. It’s the last day in his bakery. He's going to retire tomorrow. He is going to be in Hawaii with his wife next week. He has already booked his tickets. His son is going to take care of the bakery. He normally wears white clothes, but today he's wearing a Hawaiian shirt. It's two o'clock now. He always has a siesta after lunch, but today he’s having a cup of espresso with his best friend. He’s had a wonderful working life. Now, he is ready to start a new life. He wants to see new places. There’s a luxury liners company in town, and they send a liner every Sunday to many different exotic places around the world. Tonight, he’s starting his journey with his wife from the harbour. Tonight, one of the luxury liners is leaving the harbour. Jonathan and his wife are embarking on it to start their new life.  read and answer the questions 1) what time does Jonathan wake up? 2) what does he have for breakfast? 4)where is he going to be next week? 5) what is he doing after lunch? 6) how often the luxury liners company send a liner? 7) where is the tonight's liner leaving? lo necesito yaa​

Respuesta :


TEXTO: Jonathan es un panadero famoso. Es trabajador y puntual. Siempre se levanta a las tres de la tarde todas las noches y hornea sus productos. Luego desayuna con su esposa y abre su panadería. Por lo general, desayuna su mermelada de pera favorita. Tiene muchos clientes hasta la tarde. Al mediodía, almuerza en casa. Después del almuerzo, deja la panadería a su hijo y duerme unas dos horas. Vuelve a la tienda y charla con sus clientes favoritos. Ha sido el único panadero de la ciudad durante bastante tiempo y ahora tiene muchos amigos que compran en su panadería. Ha sido la misma rutina durante casi 25 años. Hoy su rutina diaria no es la misma. Es el último día en su panadería. Se jubilará mañana. Va a estar en Hawai con su esposa la semana que viene. Ya ha reservado sus entradas. Su hijo se va a encargar de la panadería. Normalmente usa ropa blanca, pero hoy usa una camisa hawaiana. Ahora son las dos. Siempre duerme la siesta después del almuerzo, pero hoy toma una taza de café expreso con su mejor amigo. Ha tenido una vida laboral maravillosa. Ahora el esta listo