
.-Look at the picture and identify the WH questions. Write the information questions (WH) do you find. RFLECT ON GRAMMAR ENGLISH.WH QUESTIONS. QUESTION W ORDS Usnge used to ask the persen whe did the setion. who is the esen or Brai Whe wi hethe winner? WHO Uge sed te ask ter intermatien. wat toee h tence eT -what dress are vau wearing tiae WHAT Usgnt used te ask the time ot an event/antion. WHEN E mple whe n e vea when is the net wartal Cup ed te ak tor the tentien. we wer he heys Ewhere d vau ue WHERE te ask torareasnn/e a. - why dit vou b te ata wy have't ve clledy WHY WHICH Ugi d whan the isahi. Ex tee: -which of chese pens in be Whie t v y WHOSE ges d te show p ion. Examples - whose chitd e the at has a couahY -Whese a i d t explain a er ss. ​