
→me ayudan porfavor muchas gracias ←∵

1. My brother and I are helping {help} our community. We are some information from Spanish to Quechua for everybody.

3. My mom is a nurse, she is

in the hospital get better soon.

3. Carlos is a Peruvian super hero. He is help my family build our nouse.

4. My hero is my aunt Matilde. She is

who lost their jobs last year. She is awesome!

(t r an slate)

{work} long hours to help Deop1e

(organize} a group of people to

make) food for our neighbours

5. A Peruvian Super hero is person who is always others. A regular person.

a better olace.

{try} to heip (do) spectacular things to make our coun try

Respuesta :


Mi hermano y yo estamos ayudando {ayudando} a nuestra comunidad. Somos información del español al quechua para todos.

3. Mi mamá es enfermera, ella es

en el hospital mejore pronto.

3. Carlos es un superhéroe peruano. Él está ayudando a mi familia a construir nuestro hogar.

4. Mi héroe es mi tía Matilde. Ella es

que perdieron sus trabajos el año pasado. ¡Ella es increíble!


{trabajar} muchas horas para ayudar a Deop1e

(organizar} un grupo de personas para

hacer) comida para nuestros vecinos

5. Un superhéroe peruano es una persona que siempre es otra. Una persona normal.

un mejor olace.

{intenta} ayudar (hacer) cosas espectaculares para que nuestro país intente

eso significa  


Las siguientes oraciones las debes completar con el presente continúo el cual se usa para hablar de acciones que esta ocurriendo en el momento.

Las oraciones con presente continuo se forman de la siguiente manera:

Sujeto + verbo to be + verbo (ing) + complemento

1. My brother and I are helping (help) our community. We are translating (translate) some information from Spanish to Quechua for everybody.

2. My mom is a nurse, she is working (work) long hours to help people in the hospital get better soon.

3. Carlos is a Peruvian super hero. He is organizing (organize) a group of people to help my family build our house.

4. My hero is my aunt Matilde. She is making (make) food for our neighbors who lost their jobs last year. She is awesome!

5. A Peruvian super hero is person who is always trying (try) to help others. A regular person doing (do) spectacular things yo make our country a better place.
