ayuda ayuda ayuda ayuda

Enunciados con May:
1- I may get a Visa next year.
2- Guys, doesn't seem like something may go wrong?
3- May Steve forgive you, but that doesn't mean I will too.
4- That's only a posibility, you may be wrong.
5- May can I join to the party?
6- Don't forget, is a bet, you may lose.
Enunciados con Might:
1- Look at the sky, it might be a pretty night.
2- You know what? It might be a good idea do the homework right now.
3- Oh no, it broke, I might do a better job next time.
4- Look at the picture, the model might be Martín.
5- What do you think? It might be a good idea do it here?
6- Hey, that plushie look similar to the one who wants, it might can be better than the one who she wants.
Es simple, regularmente "May" se traduce como puede, podría o puedo. La palabra "Might" es similar a la palabra "May".