me podrian ayudarrr por favor

⭐Respuesta: Hi [tex]:^{3}[/tex] Good evening!
He is going to swim in the sea.
En está oración le falto el to
We aren't going to have a barbecue.
En está oración le falto el '
She is going to go surfing.
En está oración le falto el is
Are you going to have a picnic?
En está oración le falto el signo de pregunta ?
They aren't going to go fishing.
⭐Estructura del Going to (Future) (Affirmative):
Sujeto + am, is o are (dependa del sujeto que esté) + going to + verbo (normal) + complemento.
⭐Estructura del Going to (Future) (Negative):
Sujeto + am not, isn't o aren't + going to + verbo (normal) + complemento.
⭐Estructura del Going to (Future) (Interrogative):
Am, Is o Are + Sujeto + going to + verbo (normal) + complemento?
[tex]Att: alisonkawaii92\\\\:^{3}\\\\>:^{3}[/tex]