
Nescesito hacer una oracion que tenga: There were, con eso empezando

Respuesta :


There were apples on the bag. / Hay manzanas en la bolsa

There were three cats at the tree.  / Habían tres gatos en el árbol

There were many books . / Habían muchos libros


1 There were apples on the bag. / Hay manzanas en la bolsa.

2 There were my research. / Aquí están mis investigaciones.

3 There were more reasons to love you than to hate you. / Hay más razones para amarte que para odiarte.

4 There were two boots. / Hay dos botas.

5 There were his stuff. / Ahí están sus cosas.

6 There were like two million dollars. / Hay como dos millones de dólares.

7 There you were. / Ahí estás.

8 There were two million unknown animal species at the Amazon. / Existen dos millones de especies de animales desconocidas en el amazonas.

9 There were a lot of apples around the world. / Hay muchas manzanas al rededor del mundo.

10 There were more love between us. / Hay más amor entre nosotros.

11 There were people studying. / Habían personas estudiando.

12 There were children playing. / Habían niños jugando.

There were kids in the garden. / Habían niños en el parque.

13 There were many people in the concert. / Habían muchas personas en el colegio.

14 There were three cats at the tree.  / Habían tres gatos en el árbol

15 There were five apples in the tree.  / Habían cinco manzanas en el árbol.

16 There were a lot of people at high school.  / Había mucha gente en secundaria.

17 There were two dogs outside the house.  / Habían dos perros fuera de la casa.

18 There were many books . / Habían muchos libros.

19 There were many blacks shoes. / Habían muchos zapatos negros.
