10. 9. OCCUPATIONS MATCH THE PICTURES TO THE CORRECT PHRASES. F A B A a singer a ballet dancer B a pilot a musician H an athlete C a swimmer E a speaker F a model E Woohºo! F H 11. 12. Her name is Madeline Stuart. She is from Brisbane, Australia and she is 23 years old. She is a famous model and has Down's syndrome. Her mother is Rossane. She is a great support for Madeline. His name is Nick Vujicic. He is from Melboume in Australia and he is 37 years old. He is a famou) motivational speaker and has no arms or legs. His wife is Ranae. She is a great support for Nick "Gwing is the most satisfying thing you can do." you can't get a wirel, become the 13. 14. This is Winnie Harlow. She is from Toronto, Canada and she is 26 years old. She is a famous model and has vitiligo. Her mother is Lisa, her father is Windsor and her sister is Christina. They are a great support for Winnie. Their love for Winnie is unconditional His name is Luis Sandal López. He is prom Chiclayo, Peru mand he is 22 years old. He is a famou) athlete and is blind. His friends are his eyes. They are a great Support for Luis. Their love for luis is whiconditional you can't get a miracle, become che. "Just a little encouragement is amazing." 15. 16. MATCH THE SENTENCE WITH THE CORRECT PICTURE 1. She is 23 years old. 2. She is from Canada, READING TEST Madeline 3. They are from Australian O&U 4. He is an athlete, ]]]]]]]] 5. They are models. لاهلا Nick U 6. He is 37 years old. 7. She is 26 years old. 8. He is from Peru. 3 Winnie Luis