Respuesta :
A) Edward lives in United States.
Edward Lived in United States
B) John plays Basketball in the school.
John Played basketball in the school
C) Does he go to College?
Did he go to college?
D) They speak English in the presentation.
They Spoke English in the presentation
E) He loves her girlfriend very much.
He loved her girlfriend Very much
F) Gregory brushes his hair at night.
Gregory brushed his hair at Night
G) Lisa gets up early in the morning.
Lisa got up early in the morning
H) Do you know him?
Did You know him?
I) Daniel cook for Hanna.
Daniel cooked for Hanna
J) The children are at home.
The children were at Home
Empezaremos viendo una diferencia de estructura entre el presente simple y el pasado simple:
• Presente simple:
Sujeto + Verbo + Complemento
• Pasado simple:
Sujeto + Verbo (Pasado) + Complemento
Esto quiere decir, que solo era pasar el verbo de cada oración en pasado
• Te dejo el Infinitivo (Izquierda) y pasado (Derecha) de los verbos de tu trabajo:
To Live - Lived (Vivir)
To Play - Played (Jugar)
To Go - Went (Ir)
To speak - Spoke (Hablar)
To love - Loved (Amar)
To brush - Brushed (Cepillar)
ToGet - Got (Obtener / Llevar)
Get up - Got up (Levantarse)
To Know - Knew (Saber)
To Cook - Cooked (Cocinar)
To be (Am, Is, Are) - Was / Were (Ser / Estar)
Las preguntas en presente simple se forman con Do / Does.
• Do se utiliza con I, You, We y They
• Does Se utiliza con He, she y It.
En pasado solamente se forma con Did, en todos los sujetos.
Recuerda que cuando usas un auxiliar, (Do, Does o Did) el verbo siempre irá en su forma normal, después de éstos.
• El verbo to be no requiere de ningún auxiliar para formar una pregunta, sea presente o pasado, solamente se invierte el orden de éste con el sujeto
• The children are at Home (Presente)
• The children were at Home (Pasado).
• The children were not at home (Negación Pasado)
• Were the children at Home? (Pregunta Pasado)
El pasado de to be es Was / Were
• Was se maneja con I, He, she o It
• Were se utiliza con You, They y We