Ayúdenme plissno ignoren

1. I read a book
Negative: I do not read a book
Interrogative: Do I read a book?
2. You play Video games
Negative: You do not play Video games
Interrogative: Do You play Video games?
3. She writes a letter to her friend
Negative: She Does Not write a letter to her friend
Interrogative: Does she write a letter to her friend?
4. They are happy
Negative: They are not happy
Interrogative: Are they happy?
5. Marco Watches the News
Negative: Marco Doesn't watch the news
Interrogative: Does Marco watch the news?
El presente simple se forma así:
Sujeto + Verbo + Complemento
• You (Sujeto) Are (Verbo) Happy (Complemento)
You are happy = Eres feliz
• You (Sujeto) Watch (Verbo) T.V on wednesday (Complemento)
You watch TV on wednesday = Ves Televisión los miércoles
En pregunta, si la frase no lleva verbo to be, Se forma con Does / Do, pero, si lleva el verbo to be, solo se intercambia el orden de éste con el sujeto:
• You are happy
Vemos que la oración tiene el verbo to be (Are), por lo tanto solo se invierte el orden:
• Are You happy? ¿Eres feliz?
• You watch T.V
No tiene el verbo to be, por lo tanto se utiliza Do o Does:
• Do se utiliza con I, You, We y they
• Does se maneja con He, She y It.
Por lo tanto:
Do You watch TV? ¿Ves Televisión?