
PARTE I. Primer condicional. Valor: 0,5 puntos c/u. Total: 5 pts.
Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta del verbo que está entre paréntesis.

a. We ____ (go out) of the weather ____ (get) better

b. What ____( happen ) if the weather ____( change )?

c. If we ___ ( decide ) to come, we ____ (call) You tomorrow

d. I ____ (finish ) those letters if I ___ (have) time.

e. If we ___ (leave ) early, we ___ (arrive) on time.​

Respuesta :


a. We get out of the weather to improve it.

B. What would happen if the weather changed?

C. If they _decide to come, we _ll call you tomorrow.

D. I would finish those letters if I had time.

me. If we are going to leave early, we will be on time.

Ojala te sirva espero gracias y coronita :D