Respuesta :
20 Oraciones negativas con Presente Continuo.
The dog is not barking.
He isn't reading a book.
Sophie isn't drinking coke.
They aren't playing soccer.
You aren't studying for maths.
I am not driving at home.
Everyone isn't playing In The Park.
The children aren't asking for T.V.
- They are baking a cake.
- She is dancing with me.
- I am doing homework.
- He is reading an old textbook.
- They are planning their birthday party.
- My brother is sleeping on his bed.
- I am eating a lollipop.
- We are going to school.
- The bus is travelling really fast.
- I am practicing sport with my team.
- They aren't participating in the championship.
- We aren't fishing together.
- He isn't buying a sweater.
- She isn't helping with her project.
- It isn't working.
- The cat isn't sleeping right now.
- He isn't writing an essay alone.
- My dad isn't getting money.
- The company isn't winning money.
- I am not asking for a frappuccino.