
20 oraciones usando el presente continuo en positivo y negativo

Respuesta :


20 Oraciones negativas con Presente Continuo.

The dog is not barking.

He isn't reading a book.

Sophie isn't drinking coke.

They aren't playing soccer.

You aren't studying for maths.

I am not driving at home.

Everyone isn't playing In The Park.

The children aren't asking for T.V.



  1. They are baking a cake.
  2. She is dancing with me.
  3. I am doing homework.
  4. He is reading an old textbook.
  5. They are planning their birthday party.
  6. My brother is sleeping on his bed.
  7. I am eating a lollipop.
  8. We are going to school.
  9. The bus is travelling really fast.
  10. I am practicing sport with my team.


  1. They aren't participating in the championship.
  2. We aren't fishing together.
  3. He isn't buying a sweater.
  4. She isn't helping with her project.
  5. It isn't working.
  6. The cat isn't sleeping right now.
  7. He isn't writing an essay alone.
  8. My dad isn't getting money.
  9. The company isn't winning money.
  10. I am not asking for a frappuccino.