
Answer the questions based on the reading above.
a. What championships did Pérez win?
b. Ask your father or mother: How did you feel when Pérez won the race?

c. When did he win the silver medal?

d. Where did he born?

Respuesta :


. What championships did Pérez win?

He obtained the gold medal in the Olympic Games in Atlanta 1996 and silver in Beijing 2008. He also participated in the Olympic Games in Barcelona 1992 (11th), Sydney 2000 (4th) and Athens 2004 (4th). He was world champion of athletic walking 20 km in the years 2003, 2005 and 2007

c. When did he win the silver medal?

He obtained the gold medal in the Olympic Games in Atlanta 1996 and silver in Beijing 2008. He also participated in the Olympic Games in Barcelona 1992 (11th), Sydney 2000 (4th) and Athens 2004 (4th). He was world champion of the 20 km athletic walk in the years 2003, 2005 and 2007.

d. Where did he born?

Thus, if we ask any acquaintance the question: when and where was Jesus of Nazareth born ?, it is likely that his answer will be quick and full of security: Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea on December 25, year 1 a. C., six days before the change of era.
