ayudemme porfavor nesesito con urgencia

1-If it rains, the streets get wet.
2-My mother gets angry when I do not do my homework every day.
3- If you run too fast, you get really exhausted.
4-I can’t understand Elizabeth when she speaks so quickly.
If Madeleine misses the seven o’clock train, she is late for
6- When you turn on an electric al appliance, the electricity meter goes up.
7- My little sister always cries when she is hungry.
8-When you drink too much alcohol, you sure get drunk. It’s dangerous.
9-The mountains get white when it snows.
If you don’t drink enough water, you become dehydrated.
Actividad dos.
Explicación:ESPERO TE AYUDE.
Espero poder ayudarte. suerte
Todas las respuestas estan en la siguiente imagen