
Escribe 10 ejemplos en tu cuaderno o computadora utilizando who, which or that. en ingles y español pls​

Respuesta :


who is knocking that door?

_ quien esta golpeando esa puerta?

which tv channel is about animals?

-cual canal de televisión es acerca de animales?

who has discovered the gravity?

-quien ha descubierto la gravedad?

which is the biggest country in the world?

-cual es el pais mas grande del mundo?

that person is who has been ill.

-esa es la persona que ha estado enferma.

i want a couple of shoes, but i don't know which ones i'm going to buy.

-quiero un par de zapatos pero no se cuales voy a comprar.


Los pronombres relativos who, which, whose y that se usan como sujeto en una oración o al inicio de una clausula.


Se usa únicamente para referirse a personas


Se utiliza con objetos o animales


Se puede usar tanto con personas como con animales.

  1. The man who lives next to me is a lawyer
  2. I liked the cake that Mary brought yesterday
  3. The cat which is on the roof is mine.
  4. That woman who is sitting over there is my sister
  5. The man that I introduced yesterday is ver nice
  6. The movie which I saw last night was very good
  7. I read a book that was very interesting
  8. He met a woman who sings very pretty
  9. They live in a house which is bigger than mine
  10. Those kids go to a school that is close to their house

Más sobre pronombres relativos aquí https://brainly.lat/tarea/13726579

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