
ayuda porfavor 100 puntos y doy corona nose nada de ingles porfavor :( esto es urgente no comente una respuesta absurda ni por ganar puntos alguien que sepa de ingles y me ayude porfavor :( : COMPARASIONS# 1
hi guys how are you nice because she doagainwelcome to English by day I'm PwChope to enjoy the class[Applause]on today's lesson we'll be coveringcomparatives and superlatives we willlearn about what comparatives andsuperlatives are how to properly usecomparatives and superlatives and someexceptions[Music][Applause]however before we start I need you toknow somethingevery time you compare in English youmust always use them instead of that forexample she is more beautiful thanflowers going to the beach is betterthan going to the mountainI prefer soda then orange juice see isit busy let's start nowwhat our comparatives and superlativeswellcomparatives our adjectives that compareonly two things[Music]it's like comparing cartoons and TVseries[Music]how to use comparatives first don'tforget comparatives are used Talmudconvert two things the two word forcomparatives is pour up an e R which isan abbreviation of poor identity and ifthe additive is too short just toplacate the last letter then you wouldsay something like I was born first thanmy brother so I am older than him whatyou cannot say is I am more all than himthis is not correct it's like mixing thework more with the adjective let's makean exampleguess you're running against a friendonly the two of you and then do win solet me just say to your friend then youtell your friend I am faster than youwhich is correct but you cannot say is Iam more fast than you this is not rightwell moving on superlatives areadjectives that compare more than twothings like comparing three people tosee which one is the oldest the junglesand the tallest how to use superlativesfirst don't forget superlatives are usedto compare more than two things the gluework for superlatives is most at an ESDwhich is an abbreviation of mass at theend of the entity and if the additive istoo short duplicate the last letterlet's make an example now let's supposeyou're running against many friends andthen do win so what did you say to yourfriendsthen you tell your friends I am thefastest runner which is correct but youcannot say is I am the most fast runnerthis is not right now we're almost doneso let's see the exceptions[Music]first if the adjective is too long morethan two syllables then you can reducecomparatives and superlatives forexample Spanish grammar is moredifficult than English grammar or she'swearing the most beautiful dress I'veever seensecond if the adjective describes anabsolute state like perfect unique anduniform you can reduce comparatives andsuperlatives for example Maggie cap themost perfect score at the exam and thereare some irregular adjectives thatchange with comparatives andsuperlatives there are five of themwhich are good bad for little and manyuntil you have the comparative form andthe superlative form well guys my advicefor you today is watch English movieswith English subtitles this is reallygonna help you out[Music]thank you guys see you next Friday trysomething awesomecreated using powtoon.

Ayuda Porfavor 100 Puntos Y Doy Corona Nose Nada De Ingles Porfavor Esto Es Urgente No Comente Una Respuesta Absurda Ni Por Ganar Puntos Alguien Que Sepa De Ing class=

Respuesta :




lo de abajo del todo dice: 1. responde las preguntas sobre tribus urbanas y tu estilo 2. completa el grafico sobre los adjetivos comparativos y superlativos 3. mira el video toma nota en tu cuaderno. (toma fotos de las evidencias)