
un texto de 5 parrafos en ingles con el presente perfecto ( con algunos de estos verbos: swim, teach, buy, speak, do, sell, wear, read, eat, run, put, go, cut, fall, drink, fly)

Respuesta :


wenas uwu


in the morning I have to drunk water because my body needs water,then i run in the park, to have a body in good condition.

one day when i flown in a game, i fall and i cut, but not step over, then i haven't to gone to the hospital, because i haven't a lot of money.

That day I has better off bought some pain pills,I had to teach the wound to my mom.

my mom was worried,for this she me to go to the doctor, I didn't want to since we are a poor family, but she insisted, so we went.

The doctor He told me to eat some pills and he also said that they had to put me in a cast to heal, he told me that so that I would not be bored I read.

espero te sirva :D

oTaKo ReTiRaDa B3