DIANAVIANA585IN DIANAVIANA585IN Inglés contestada 1.-The __________________ piece of jewelry is this necklace. It costs more than 10,000 pesos. 2.-You´re the ________________ person that I know. You understand things very quickly. 3.-My sister is the _____________ person in my family, she helps elder people with their shopping. 4.-The ____________ place at school was the dining room. Everybody talked there!5.-Mr. and Mrs. Brown are the _____________ neighbors. They´re really lovely people. 6.-Sam often gives his girlfriend Katia flowers. He´s the __________ of all my friends. 7.-The pink dress is the ___________ one I have seen. 8.-The corn soup is the _____________. 9.-Sonora has the ____________city of México with 52°. 10.-Damian is the ____________ person I have known he rescue the baby from the fire.ayuda