
EXERCISE 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition and copy
the complete sentences.
( Between – in front of – behind – next to )

Respuesta :


xbjdiz cjeiz xjdkz xjdkz xjdkz fue CID fic find dc


about, above, across,

after, against, along,

amid, among, around,

at, atop, before, behind,

below, beneath, beside,

between, beyond, but, by,

concerning, down, during,

except, for, from, in,

inside, into, like, near,

of, off, on, onto, out,

outside, over, past,

regarding, since, through,

throughout, to, toward,

under, underneath, until,

up, upon, with, within,



wey no se solo fui a google y busque :D