5 "Have you been for a walk?' "Yes. I often for walks in the evenings. A have gone B am going 6 'Have you seen any films lately?' 'Yes. Actually, I ........ two this week." A have seen B am seeing C see C go BE 7 "What "It's a piece of cherry pie. Mum made it yesterday.' A are you eating B do you eat C have you eaten 'Are you going on holiday this summer?' "Yes. 1 enough money. A am saving B have already saved C save "Is Todd reading the newspaper?' 'No. He dinner at the moment. A has been making B makes C is making 10 "Have you bought any new CDs recently?" Yes. Actually, I two this week.' A have bought B have been buying Cam buying What time does the play start? I think it at 8 o'clock, A has been starting B starts C has started