
write the sentences into plural a)the secretary has a monkey b)there is a knife on the table c)take this box outside d)i have pain in my feet e)marina is eating a sandwich f)yolanda buys a potato g)there is a mouse here h)that watch is expensive i)hector has a new chair j)the policewoman is my niece k)i want a banana and apple l)sonia ha a baby girl​

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a) the secretary has several monkeys

b) there are some knives on the table

c) take these boxes outside

d) our feet hurt

e) marina is eating several sandwiches

f) yolanda buys some potatoes

g) here are many mice

h) those watches are expensive

i) hector has some new chairs

j) the policewomen are my nieces

k) I want some bananas and some apples

l) sonia has some girls