Respuesta :
Respuesta: environmental problems of peru
The main environmental problems in Peru are: water pollution, soil erosion and deforestation.
By location
According to a survey conducted by Lima, pollution is considered the third most serious problem in Peru.
In 2014, the National Water Authority detected in Lake Titicaca the presence of arsenic, barium, cadmium, copper, iron, mercury, manganese, phosphorus, lead, zinc and carbon due to the discharge of sewage, exceeding the maximum standards of Environmental quality.
Issues by type
Deforestation is a growing problem in the world today, especially in relation to the Amazon rainforest. Between 2000 and 2013, Peru deforested 113,000 hectares per year. In 2014, according to the Peruvian Amazon Map, 25% of the deforested hectares were recorded in indigenous territories and protected natural areas.4 On the coast, according to the Ministry of the Environment, the coast lost 50% of its vegetal forest cover .5 Deforestation occurs due to illegal logging, commercial and subsistence agriculture, and mining.
Air pollution
Peru emits 380 thousand tons of carbon dioxide daily, of which a little more 60% is produced by the felling and burning of trees as well as bad practices in agriculture and livestock, while almost 30% is by industries, transportation and garbage.
Water contamination
70% of wastewater in Peru is not treated.