
Going to work in the retning
Myzdo is clors distance from my home, 1 at spille nun
I have to woke up early every morning, as manos
* in
Theres med enough time for a relaxed breakto to become
16:00 am get into my car and start the long de
I sually like drives or the highway men ton a
the city. During the morning to tour thoughts
bery enjoyable The heart offic is a bit oyim
so I ol ways listen to my favorite classico much co sise
The cas Chopin Mozart, and Bach That cheers ne
The drive to work Tokes about one hour Gong be
home in the evening after work tokes even ger mybe
wround 10 minutes. Lately I're been thinking about tryin
to work instead of driving that way hould star listen to music
with head phone, and even read a norel te same time.​