ete the sentences.
say it
Muslim dress
First all-hijab collection
History was made at the New York Fashion Week when
collection in which every model wore a hijab. The hijab
by Muslim
the head. It has been in the
recently. Muslim designer Anniesa Hasibuan wanted to
hijab is. The 30-year-old wowed the crowd with her
standing ovation. She is the first
event. More fashion stores are
to show at a big global fashion
Islamic designs. H&M released an
advert with a Muslim model in a hijab. Dolce and Gabbana made hijabs for richer
Not everyone is happy with the new hijab fashion. Some
un-Islamic. A professor of Islamic Studies said: "The essence of
to wear something decent, to be modest. For women, they
to make sure what they're
doesn't attract the atten-
tion of men."
12. Describe the images below. What are they wearing?
Carlo, is wearing
black blouse write
Short and black, shases.
Carlos is wearing
a Black Suit
was a
the veil worn
a lot
how stylish the
and received a
chalos is wearing