
Task 1: Read Juan Rulfo´sbiography and complete the gaps usingtheverbs in brackets in
the SIMPLE PAST FORM.(Lee la biografía de Juan Rulfo y complete los espacios en blanco
usando los verbos que están entre paréntesis en PASADO SIMPLE)
Juan Nepomuceno Carlos Pérez RulfoVizcaíno, also (call)----------------Juan Rulfo, is
considered one of the finest novelists and short-story creators in 20th-century and (have)-----------
-------- an enormous impact on Latin American authors.
Rulfo(be)-------------------born on May 16, 1917, in Apulco, Mexico. His
parents (be)----------------- prosperous landowners who had lost a
considerable fortune.
As a child, he (grow up)------------------- in the rural countryside, but
then Rulfo and his family (move)----------------------- to Mexico.
At 16, Rulfo(work)--------------------- for a rubber company and then, as a film scriptwriter.
Many of the short stories that were later published in El llano en llamas (1953) first (appear)---------
--------- in the review Pan; they (depict)---------------------the violence of the rural environment and
the moral stagnation of its people. In them Rulfo first (use)--------------------------- narrative
techniques that later would be incorporated into the Latin American new novel, such as the use
of stream of consciousness, flashbacks, and shifting points of view. Pedro Páramo (1955)
(examine)------------------- the physical and moral disintegration of a laconic cacique (boss) and
(set)-------------- the characters in a mythical hell on earth inhabited by the dead, haunted by their
past transgressions.
From 1933 to 1986 Rulfo(live)------------------------------- in Mexico City. He (become)--------------------
------------director of the editorial department of the National Institute for Indigenous Studies and
(advise)------------------------- young writers at the Centro Mexicano de Escritores (Centre for
Mexican Authors).
Rulfo(die)---------------- on January 7, 1986, in Mexico City.

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