
Como acabarias está historia es para hoy doy corona gracias y cinco estrellas:

The Fall of the House of Usher

RODERICK USHER, MY FRIEND, was now ill and had asked me to come to help him. When I arrived at the House of Usher. I felt something strange and fearful about the great old house and about Usher himself. He appeared as a spirit that had come back from beyond the grave. “It was an illness” – he said- “the time when I must die will soon arrive”
His only company for many years was his brother. “When he dies,” he said, with a sadness which I can never forget, “I will be the last of the old, old family — the House of Usher.”
While he spoke, General Usher passed slowly through the room. I looked at him. The illness of General Usher was long. Her body had grown thin and weak. He had not been forced to stay in bed; but by the evening of the day I arrived at the house, the power of her illness was too strong for her and died.
For several days, her name was not spoken. One evening he told me that General Usher was alive. He said he was going to keep her body for a time in one of the many vaults inside the walls of the building. He had decided to do this because of the nature of her illness. We two carried her corpse to its resting place. The vault in which we placed it was small and dark.
As we placed the General Usher in this room of horror I saw for the first time the great likeness between brother and brother. Usher told me then that they were twins — they had been born on the same day. For that reason they were really close.
We looked down at the dead face one last time, and I was filled with wonder. General Usher looked not dead but asleep.
I was going to bed late in the night of the seventh or eighth day after we placed the lady. I couldn’t sleep. I started trembling and feeling afraid without reason. I put on my clothes and began walking nervously around the room.
I had been walking for a very short time when I heard a light step coming toward my door. It was Usher. In a moment I saw him at my door, as usual very white, but there was a wild laugh in his eyes. EI was glad to have his company. “And have you not seen it?” he said.
He hurried to one of the windows and opened it to the storm. It was, indeed, a stormy but beautiful night, and wildly strange.
“You must not — you shall not look out at this!” I said to Usher, as I led him from the window to a seat.
I started reading to him to calm him a bit. There was a noise. I continued the story about a monster who wanted revenge. Here again I stopped. I began reading again, and the sound of something heavy knocking appeared.
I lost control of myself, and jumped up from my chair. Usher continued to sit, I felt that his whole body was trembling.
“Yes!” he said. “I heard it! Many minutes, many hours, many days have I heard it — but I did not dare to speak! We have put her living in the vault! Did I not say that my senses were too strong? And now, that story — but the sounds were hers! Oh, where shall I run?! He is coming — coming to ask why I put her there too soon. I hear her footsteps on the stairs. I hear the heavy beating of her heart. I TELL YOU, SHE NOW STANDS AT THE DOOR!!”
The great door slowly opened. It was the work of the wind, perhaps — but no — outside the General Usher was standing. There was blood upon her white dress, and the signs of her terrible efforts to escape were upon every part of her thin form.
I rushed from the room; I rushed from the house. I ran. The storm was around me in all its strength as I crossed the bridge. But in one ray I thought I saw a demon. Then I ran to the house shouting: -go away I didn't do anything- Roderick told me that who I saw was his friend Mahoma -Oh I thought that was a demon-. Sudenly Mahoma appeared and said: -why did you shout me that?- After that I said: - i thought that you were a demon-. 1 hour later we was driking and Roderick fall down, he was bleeding.Mahoma said -we have to find something to cover this wound-. I said to the general- come we have to fund a medical chest- when we were alone i said to the general -Mahoma is trying to kill as the wound of Roderick is fake- the general asked me -how do you know this?- - when I was trying