Match correctly. am is are do go eat have make take see fly sell tell find send was was were did went ate had made took saw flew sold told Found sent buy bought bring brought teach taught think thought
Base form: Add +ed listen listened cook Cooked look Looked call Called walk Walked play Played help Helped open Opened watch Watched paint Painted jump Jumped D Change the vowel swim swam get got run wake ride rise 4 Whethe (maks) Ang vivi Past Simple or Progressive - Exercise Care the rest. 1 Men > When LL ME 12 meetrs 13. The bes Putwate sit ran y woke rode rose the her. the soup, the chasonl rer hek tre bobs when the LO toooos! pingp wariska ( Twer Pete fot 100v. (ves ( (d) MIN 13 Wel cookes to v pd be beslace on sur webs amon the pear she (plavite) uo ternoon, he 15 car tidisashi inger wh the tow sat sleep slept keep kept sweep swept Our language is music. Write the past tense for each verb.
REGULAR VERBS Verbs that end in -e Add +d close closed like live share use save love move Liked Lived Shared Used Saved Loved HORI Moved